Vol. 6 No. 1, 2025: Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference against the Euro-Atlantic Security – A Case Study of campaigns against NATO (Buluc) [ENG]
Vol. 5 No. 6, 2024: Slovenia’s Defence System in Front of the New Strategic Defence Review (Vuk) [ENG]
Vol. 5 No. 5, 2024: Navigating a Resurgent Threat Strategic Dynamics and Implications of Russian Expansionism (Kosirnik) [ENG]
Vol. 5 No. 4, 2024: Two Systems – China and Taiwan in 2024 (Fluri) [ENG]
Vol. 5 No. 3, 2024: Anxious Peace Navigating Post-Conflict Challenges and EU Integration in Southeastern Europe (Kočan, Zupančič) [ENG]
Vol. 5 No. 2, 2024: Primacy of total defence forces in the 21st century (Berndtsson, Goldenberg, von Hlatky) [ENG]
Vol. 5 No. 1, 2024: Natova razpotja (Cerar) [SLO]
Vol. 4 No. 4, 2023: Čas za razmislek in revizijo nacionalnovarnostne politike Republike Slovenije? (Pavel Vuk) [SLO]
Vol. 4 No. 3, 2023: Premislek o možnih izhodiščih nadgradnje slovenskega nacionalno varnostnega sistema (Šefic) [SLO]
Vol. 4 No. 2, 2023: Exploring the New Concept of Open Defense (Thomas Matyók, Srečko Zajc, Maj Fritz) [ENG]
Vol. 4 – No. 1, 2023: Dis- and Misinformation about the Ukraine-Russia War: A Case Study of the Baltic Countries (Aleksandra Michałowska-Kubś in Jakub Kubś) [ENG]
Vol. 3 – No. 3, 2022: Security challenges in the Balkans (Bebler) [ENG]
Vol. 3 – No. 2, 2022: Rusko-ukrajinski konflikti in vojna v Ukrajini (Bebler) [SLO]
Vol. 3 – No. 1, 2022: European Integration Process and the Indo-Pacific Region (Jazbec) [ENG]
Vol. 2 – No. 3, 2021: Oblikovanje medinstitucionalnega modela za identifikacijo in spremljanje radikalizacije v smeri nasilja (Prezelj, Lobnikar) [SLO]
Vol. 2 – No. 2, 2021: Kompetentno vodenje in učinkovito zagotavljanje nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije (Sotlar, Grizold, Vuga Bernšak) [SLO]
Vol. 2 – No. 1, 2021: Hybrid Warfare (Najzer) [ENG]
Vol. 1 – No. 3, 2020: New Opportunity for Transatlantic Relations (Kirn) [SLO]
Vol. 1 – No. 2, 2020: Joint Civil-Military Interaction for an Innovative Euro-Atlantic Community (Matyok, Zajc) [ENG]
Vol. 1 – No. 1, 2020: Pandemija COVID-19 in strateški varnostni izzivi (Cigler) [SLO]
The field of international security, peace, stability is extremely dynamic, risks and threats change from day to day, which requires constant professional attention.
As a proactive association in our fields, we form expert opinions on social problems and distribute them with the help of our “Policy newsletter.” The Euro-Atlantic Bulletin is a means of expressing expert opinions by EASS members or invited experts.
Each issue contains a professional contribution with which we want to:
- highlight a specific security policy problem,
- explore possible alternatives and
- suggest possible solutions to solve the problem.
The newsletter is expected to be published 3-6 times a year, each issue will contain one article and, if necessary, an editor’s comment. The publication will be published in Slovene and occasionally in English (depending on the authors and the target public). Relevant topics for the Slovenian public will be mostly covered in the Slovenian language.
The publication is registered in the bibliographic system and has its own ISSN number. The publication will be published mainly in electronic form, but we will also print it from time to time.
The editor is responsible for selecting topics, inviting authors, organizing the publication of each issue, and distributing it through communication channels. The Editor or EASS is not responsible for the views of experts whose contributions are published in the Bulletin. In other words, the views of experts are not necessarily the views of the EASS. This solution is appropriate because the purpose of the publication is to trace views and policy solutions in the field of security.
The publication will be distributed mainly in electronic form. Each issue will be published on the EASS website and sent to the contact points at the relevant ministries, embassies, media, etc.
The following typical format is expected from the contributions:
- Title;
- Abstract: in two to three sentences;
- Description of the policy problem;
- Scan of potential solutions to the identified problem;
- Indicate or suggest a possible alternative for solving the problem and the related analysis / proposal of a solution and related analysis;
- Sources if the author used them.
Contributions may also deviate in part from the typical form indicated.