The goals and tasks of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia are:
- educating and informing the public about problems and solutions in the field of ensuring peace and security in international relations;
- studying the processes run by international organizations of peace and security in the world, with the emphasis on integration in the Euro-Atlantic area;
- supporting the active role of the Republic of Slovenia in the EU, NATO and other Euro-Atlantic organizations;
- cooperation with similar organizations in the Republic of Slovenia, whose common goal is peace and security;
- liaising with kindred organizations around the world dealing with similar issues, including the Atlantic Treaty Association and its members;
- organization of conferences, seminars, round tables, excursions and lectures;
- publishing popular and professional literature.
The Euro- Atlantic Council of Slovenia is committed to strengthening the cooperation between EU, NATO and their member states, with a special focus on the regional security issues in the Western Balkans.