Youth Section of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia brings together young experts and students with special interest in security related issues.

Our aim is to increase reconciliation, security and stability in Slovenia and in the wider region. Youth section tries to achieve these goals with the organization various events and programs, including its flagship project: Balkan SAYS – Security Architecture Youth Seminar.

Our members participate in relevant international activities with special emphasis on the activities of the umbrella organization Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA). We attend various events organized by partner associations within YATA, which give our members broader understanding of different security dilemmas and helps them network with experts from different regions of the world.  This year some members of the Youth Section cooperated in writing the very first edition of EACS Situation room.

President of EACS Youth Section is Matic Kosirnik.


NATO Engages

At the invitation of NATO, members of Youth section attended the NATO Engages event, which took place at the NATO Summit in London, where they took part in a public discussion on how to develop the Alliance in the future. They also met with the Permanent Representative of Slovenia to NATO, Dr. Erik Kopač.