Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia (EACS) is a voluntary, non-profit and non-governmental interest and expert association, established in 1993.
President: prof. dr. Iztok Prezelj
Secretary General: Iztok Štefanič
President of Youth Section: Matic Kosirnik
Honorary President is professor emeritus dr. Anton Bebler
Our aim is to contribute to peace, security and democratic stability in the Euro-Atlantic area by educating, researching, publishing and organizing events. The Council cooperates with NATO, EU, Slovenian governmental institutions and other partner organisations to accomplish its fundamental causes. EACS advocates for the strengthening of cooperation between EU, NATO and their member states, focusing especially on the regional security issues in the Western Balkans.
In addition to events and lectures, EACS regularly publishes the Euro-Atlantic Bulletin with expert policy opinions. Flagship event of our Youth Section, Balkan SAYS – Security Architecture Youth Seminar has successfully brought together young professionals, students and experts, every year since 2013, thereby contributing to confidence building, reconciliation, security, stability and cooperation in the region of Western Balkans. We have also launched an ad-hoc crisis-monitoring centre, the Situation room, which is activated during major security crises.
Since its establishment in 1993, the Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia has been working to raise the level of information and awareness of the Slovenian public about the importance of active participation in international organizations and associations, whose main purpose is to ensure international peace, security and healthy economic cooperation.
The goals and tasks of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia are:
- educating and informing the public about problems and solutions in the field of ensuring peace and security in international relations;
- studying the processes run by international organizations of peace and security in the world, with the emphasis on integration in the Euro-Atlantic area;
- supporting the active role of the Republic of Slovenia in the EU, NATO and other Euro-Atlantic organizations;
- cooperation with similar organizations in the Republic of Slovenia, whose common goal is peace and security;
- liaising with kindred organizations around the world dealing with similar issues, including the Atlantic Treaty Association and its members;
- organization of conferences, seminars, round tables, excursions and lectures;
- publishing popular and professional literature.