Dr. Božo Cerar writes about the three-quarter-century-long history of NATO, which as a defense alliance in the Euro-Atlantic area has repeatedly found itself at a crossroads. NATO successfully overcame dilemmas and problems, as it was able to adapt to the current security situation in the international community and maintain its unity. Adjustments are also necessary today, when the United States, the driving force of the Alliance, sees its interests primarily in the Asia-Pacific region in an increasingly fierce competition between the great powers. The European members of NATO will have to assume a much greater share of responsibility for the continued existence and effective functioning of this most successful defense alliance in history. This is also connected with higher costs for defense, which will have to be properly explained to the citizens.
Dr. Božo Cerar is a retired ambassador. He completed his master’s degree in diplomatic sciences at Westminster University in London, and his doctorate in international legal sciences in the field of diplomatic protection at his alma mater, the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana. He performed important duties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (among other things, deputy minister) and at diplomatic missions abroad (among other things, permanent representative at NATO and ambassador to the USA).
Vol. 5 No. 1, 2024: Natova razpotja (Cerar) [SLO]